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【2022-4-28 学术论坛】

作者: | 发布日期:2022-04-26| 浏览次数:


讲座主题:Auditor Reputation Concerns, Human Capital Investment, and Audit Quality



摘要:This paper examines audit offices’ human capital investment in response to a reputation loss and the resulting effect on audit quality. We document that after client restatement announcements, audit offices attempt to acquire human capital and talent by posting more audit-related job positions. The increase in job postings is concentrated among more senior and experienced positions, and follows restatements with negative market reactions. It is not driven by replacement hiring due to auditor departures and is associated with more auditors joining the office. Audit personnel salaries also increase in response to client restatement announcements. These human capital investments reduce the contagion effect of low-quality audits and the losses in local market share, supporting improvements in audit quality and auditor reputation.







刘雪娇,对外经济贸易大学国际商学院教授、博士生导师。研究领域包括审计与内部控制、公司治理、高管薪酬、信息披露等。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目“审计风险评估与应对:基于新审计报告的文本分析与实证研究”、国家自然科学基金青年项目“审计事务所交互作用机制研究——基于企业集团非统一审计视角”等课题(已结题)。成果发表于Contemporary Accounting ResearchReview of Accounting Studies Forthcoming)Journal of Corporate FinanceJournal of Business EthicsAbacus等期刊。
