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【2021-6-15 学术论坛】


讲座人:Chen Feng

讲座主题:Do Staff Auditors’ Compensation Gaps with Audit Partners Affect Audit Quality? Evidence from a Natural Experiment



摘要:We exploit staggered implementations of the minimum audit fee (MAF) rule in various parts of China and analyze the policy shock to audit firm profits and the resulting audit partner-staff auditor compensation gaps in a difference-in-differences (DID) research design for 2010-2014. We find significant increases in audit firm profits as well as audit partner-staff auditor compensation gaps following the implementations of the MAF rule. More importantly, we find that auditors make lower-magnitude audit adjustments, suggesting lower audit quality following the policy shock. Increased partner-staff compensation gaps at both the audit firm level and the audit team level explain the reduced audit quality following the MAF rule implementations. By documenting a causal effect of increased partner-staff compensation gaps on audit quality, we contribute to the limited archival research on rank-and-file audit personnel compensation. Finally, by identifying unintended consequences of mandating the minimum audit pricing, our findings highlight the importance for regulators to balance their policy goals of regulating audit markets while ensuring proper incentive structures within audit firms.






Chen Feng,现多伦多大学管理学院会计学副教授,哥伦比亚大学商学院会计学博士。主要研究领域:审计、公司披露和公司治理。在Contemporary Accounting Research, Journal of Accounting Research, Review of Accounting Studies, The Accounting Review等国际顶级期刊发表论文十余篇。作为注册会计师(CPA, CGA),在哥伦比亚大学、罗格斯大学、密苏里大学和多伦多大学有丰富的教学经验。荣获SSHRC Insight Grant (Principal Investigator) (2020), SSHRC Insight Development Grant (Principal Investigator) (2020), UT Connaught New Researcher Award (2011), The AAA International Accounting Section Midyear Conference Best Paper Award (2010)等诸多荣誉与奖项。
